Digital Transformation Is Not, The Transposition Digitally

Our CEO Mr. Jagmeet Singh shared his views, with ET Edge Insights, on Digital Transformation in Logistics where he strongly recommended to industry leaders that – Digital Transformation is beneficial only if not Transposed!


Synopsis: Digital transformation has been in existence for many years however started making sense post-pandemic. Before 2020, as per Forrester, only 15% of firms were digitally savvy, however pandemic changed the game forever. It accelerated the adoption speed to unimaginable levels. As per Microsoft, two years of digital transformation occurred in 2 months.


Transformation is not a one-dimensional approach but multi-dimensional. Hence, it becomes necessary to understand that what works for one industry may not work for the other. In short, the transposition of the strategy from one industry to another would fail because each industry has its uniqueness, strengths, and shortcomings to execute a strategy.


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